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30-Minute One-on-One Mentoring Session with Susan Lanier-Graham

Regular price $125.00
Regular price $250.00 Sale price $125.00
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 Are you a food, wine, or travel writer struggling to perfect your query letters or book proposals? Do you want to increase your visibility and make a lasting impression on readers and editors but need help knowing where to start? 

Introducing our 30-minute One-on-One Mentoring Session tailored just for you. You'll receive personalized guidance to overcome your writing and publishing-related challenges. We'll begin with initial work via email, followed by a comprehensive Zoom call where we brainstorm solutions and outline your next steps. Plus, you'll get a recording of the call to refer back to whenever you need.

Leverage my 30 years of experience in the publishing industry to elevate your writing career. Book your session today and take the first step toward achieving your goals!

After purchasing, you will be guided to a link to schedule your 30-minute appointment. 

30-Minute One-on-One Mentoring Session with Susan Lanier-Graham

30-Minute One-on-One Mentoring Session with Susan Lanier-Graham

Regular price $125.00
Regular price $250.00 Sale price $125.00